Configures Gravity SMTP to use Mailgun via SMTP connection with a fallback option to send out PHP mailer.
// Changes the following variables
from_name="$( wp option get blogname )" # Email from
license="########################" # Gravity SMTP license key
mailgun_from="[email protected]" # Mailgun SMTP send from email
mailgun_user="[email protected]" # Mailgun SMTP username
mailgun_pass="######################" # Mailgun SMTP password
domain=$( wp option get home )
domain=${domain/http:\/\/www./} # removes http://www.
domain=${domain/https:\/\/www./} # removes https://www.
domain=${domain/http:\/\//} # removes https://
domain=${domain/https:\/\//} # removes http://
domain=$( echo $domain | awk '{$1=$1};1' ) # Trims whitespace
read -r -d '' gravitysmtp_config << heredoc
read -r -d '' gravitysmtp_generic << heredoc
read -r -d '' gravitysmtp_phpmail << heredoc
wp option set gravitysmtp_config "$gravitysmtp_config"
wp option set gravitysmtp_generic "$gravitysmtp_generic"
wp option set gravitysmtp_phpmail "$gravitysmtp_phpmail"
wp plugin activate gravitysmtp