Thanks for signing up to receive email updates! This is the first update for CaptainCore, my WordPress toolkit. A few heads-up. I have absolutely no idea what I’m getting myself into 😄. I’m thinking I’ll do these updates monthly with plans to keep them short and to the point.
What is CaptainCore?
That’s a great question. In short it’s all of the custom code powering my unique setup, which is how I manage 800+ WordPress sites at Anchor Hosting as a solo developer. I officially gave my code a project name in February of this year and have been steadily making improvements and revisions with a minor release every few weeks. It’s not yet polished enough to share publicly.
My Goals for CaptainCore
I’m primarily building this for me, a web developer managing WordPress sites. I use it daily for my own customers. CaptainCore is successful when it improves my work at Anchor Hosting. Having others use it isn’t something I look at when deciding its success.
I’m building the tools I want when managing WordPress sites. What features are those? Well, I’m focused on automating everything and reducing reliances on other “free” tools like Jetpack and ManageWP. I mean, wouldn’t it be great if you can handle all of that WordPress maintenance work by using tools which are also open source and under your control? Being able to own my tools is sort of a big deal for me.
My motivation for making it open source has more to do with my belief that knowledge and code is meant to be shared freely. There is more to gain by sharing things than holding back. The thought of sharing my toolkit scares me in a good way. It’s forcing me to invest in myself and become better a web developer 😅.
Current Roadmap
- Oct 2018 – Switch my customers from ManageWP over to CaptainCore
- Nov 2018 – Switch my customers from Jetpack Monitor over to CaptainCore
- Dec 2018 – Beta Release (code published to
- Dec 2019 – 1.0 Release
Other early CaptainCore sneak peaks